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Privacy Policy



The purpose of this statement is to set out how we will use personal information that we may obtain about you. By using this website and/or by registering as a user of any services provided by Unique Exhibitions on this website you agree to our use of your data as set out herein.

When you register and use the Unique Exhibitions website you will be asked to provide certain information such as your contact details. We will store this data and hold it on computers or in manual files. We will use this data to fulfill our agreement with you. Please note that, to provide some of our services, we may require further details from you.


We may use information that you provide or that is obtained by us:


· To register you on our website and to administer our website services;

· To administer any prize draws or competitions you may enter;

· For assessment and analysis (e.g. market, customer and product analysis) to enable us to review, develop and improve the services which we offer, and to enable us to provide you with information about our products and services that we think are relevant to you through our marketing activities; and

· To keep you informed of such products and services (including special offers, discounts, offers, competitions and so on) by any of the following methods: email; telephone; SMS text message; post; fax or otherwise which we consider may be of interest to you.

If you do not wish to receive information of such products and services, please tick the opt-out box provided when registering on this website.

You will also be offered the opportunity to opt out in future marketing communications.

We will use internal and external validation and fraud checking systems to verify your identity.

We will never share your data with any third parties.

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